Friday, October 06, 2006

Art Caving to Potential Muslim Reaction

UK gallery scraps art, fearing Muslim rage: curator:
I first read about Mozart's "Idomeneo" Opera being cancelled in Germany last week. I found this appalling on many levels. The same is true for this recent pull back from the Art Community for "Hans Bellmer". I believe that the Art Community should not stand for this and more importantly individuals should not be so eager to sidestep anything that may offend the Muslim Community; especially the Muslim Community. This behavior only encourages the extreme movement. If people spent as much energy creating debate, talking about the problems of this movement and how to solve; we would be better off.
Though his works are not my taste, I find it baffling that this has been done. Especially coming from the Art Community. A community that prides itself on its unyielding positions.


Mr Interested said...

The difference between the West and Muslim fascists should be very clear here.

In the West our debates center around whether artists who do controversial or provocative work should receive state support. There is never a question of an artist being allowed to take extremes in their self expression.

Muslim fascists, on the other hand, would tell others what they are permitted to do - even those that don't hold muslim values as their own. To dictate to others and hold others to a religious standard that they didn't choose for themselves is absolutely incompatible with Western values. Why are so many so willing to be bullied in this manner?

Anonymous said...

I agree with you... if we all tried to be politically correct ALL of the time, this world would be a pretty boring place... it's sad that a man cannot express himself because the world expects him to be politically correct...