Monday, October 09, 2006

Interesting Interestings - 10-09-06

For those of you with unusual shotgun rules:

Of course I don't play by these rules. Oldest rules the roost.

North Korea says conducted nuclear test
Is it real? Did/Do talking & sanctions work? Who's Next? Iran? Japan?
What? Me worry?

Why open source is under-utilised in graphics

Michael Robertson calls out Zune as biggest flop of 2007

Animatronic fashion is here

Will the iPod ever die?

True Video iPod at MWSF?

1 comment:

Mr Interested said...

A North Korea in posession of nuclear weapons is very, very bad. They are desperate for money and their desperation has led them to sell missile and other technologies to the Iranians and Iraqis, among others. What would stop them from selling nukes, so long as the price was right?

North Korea has taken this step in order to provide itself with bargaining leverage against America but this problem isn't new. It was during the Clinton administration that this fiasco began in its current form (this said not as an indictment of Clinton but rather as a recognition of the steadfastness of North Korean resolve). Talking hasn't kept North Korea from taking this step. Threatening hasn't stopped North Korea from taking this step.

It's now time to try the last resort - action.