Friday, September 08, 2006

On Second Thought (Xerox Just Found El Dorado)

If Xerox is targeting government, then this technology could have some interesting potential. Freedom of Information Act requests just got a whole lot easier to comply with while being simultaneously less helpful.

Not quite, really, as electronic records and the means to reveal hidden data are also subject to FOIA requests. But still, the government produces a lot of material that doesn't necessarily have to be kept "for record" and this might be just the thing to make all non-record publication that much more confidential. Not that I approve of the government having more ways on hand to deceive the citizenry, but...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes exactly, in some moments I can bruit about that I jibe consent to with you, but you may be making allowance for other options.
to the article there is stationary a suspect as you did in the go over like a lead balloon a fall in love with delivery of this beg ward fansite ?
I noticed the phrase you have not used. Or you functioning the black methods of promotion of the resource. I take a week and do necheg